Gosh it has been a while since I have posted. Soooo much has happend this past year I could write a book. To make the long version short after my husband lost his job we packed up and moved fromn Georgia back to Massachusettes, moved in with my family for 6 months and I can honestly say it was the hardest 6 months I have ever experianced...I'll just leave it at that. Our previous builder heard about our situation and generously offered to help us get into a new home again....provisions were 1. Alan had to find a job 2. we needed to sell our home in Georgia, after many many sleepless nights and prayers we finally sold the house and Alan accepted a job offer with Dunkin brands which has since been a whole new way of life for us.....and it is TRUE all things do happen for a reason!!
We are in our New home in Northbridge which I love.....living back on a cul-de-sac its wonderful for our children to run outside riding their bikes, or running in the woods...it really is just perfect.
Its chaotic as ever with the kids schedules....everyone is in school this year except for Jonathan, Jarrett started kindergarten and despite what everyone else thought ( because mommy did know best) He has done GREAT!!! he has Makenna's old kindergarten teacher and she is a perfect fit for him. Melissa started High School this year is also transitioned very well, she not only made the field hockey team, but made the varsity team....which was a huge thing for a freshman. Mallory and Jordan are both in the Middle School and are great students and also busy with many sports activities. And our Miss Makenna is in second grade still SUCH a peanut.
I have started watching kids since moving into the new house, and currently have 2 that I watch on a regular basis and it keeps Jonathan from getting "too" Bored :)
I'am also teaching 7th grade CCD this year a big change from teaching pre-k
Alan and I have never been happier in all our married years, its so nice that we have a real "family" now , his crazy schedule before left me being a single mom of 7 in many ways as his job before placed such unrealistic demands on him, truley him losing his job was the BEST thing that has happend...despited the stress and turmoil we dealt with it has all worked out. So now that I finally have some stabilty back I'am looking forward to blogging again, and posting many giveaway links.
October is just a day away so Happy Fall Y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!