Well another few weeks have passed and its time for me to jot my thoughts down.
Alans Parents came out for a visit this past weekend, I have to say it was a very nice visit other than being totally pooped out....Alan was away to Orlando for the entire week, so I was running the show solo....now you would think I do this all the time I would be used to it, but just starting work again, and back to having trouble sleeping, I was exhausted when Friday came and that was the day both Alan and his parents arrived.
It was nice that the kids got some attention from someone other than Mommy & Daddy. They took both Melissa & Jordan out golfing, His mom let Mallory make a Banana Cream pie with her ( a tradition everytime we see his parents) and took the little boys out to get some Thomas Trains. Sunday we all went to the Tallahassee Mall and they got each of the kids new clothes for school. This was a HUGE treat as we dont have granparents, aunts, or uncles who do things like that for the kids.....they ONLY get gifts for Birthdays and Christmas....so this was a really big deal for them.....and for us too.
I'am on my last few weeks of the Paxil....this is my lowest dose and although it is wreaking havock on my sleep patterns....I'am so HAPPY to be almost done. The headaches & nausea are getting much better, but I'am back to being up all night....such a pain, but maybe once the kids are in school I can at least take a nap during the day.
I have also been trying to look online about acupuncture and natural remedies....
My back is also having major issues but that is purely from carrying and giving birth to 7 babies......which really has done some damage. Jordan ( love him to death) but swear he is the one who did me in, and then Mallory being a big baby 8lbs 9oz shortly after him and so on and so on.....I just need to get it back to where it was.
Alan is on vacation the remainder of the week, we are heading out to Amelia Island on Thursday , I'am looking forward to watching the kids find shells and relax on the beach, before Monday when they all go back to school.....so hard to believe!!!
Meghan also starts school this week back at Paul Mitchell and also tries for her license tommorrow.....She really needs this so I hope it goes well. She is SO incredibly artistic, she has been making things to sell on Etsy...and recently made me a shirt for someone as a birthday gift.....It came out AMAZING!!! It was for a little boy and it was Power Rangers with the little boys name , all hand painted and truley one of a kind.,.....I will post pictures when I can.
For now here is a picture of Marley.....she is getting so big!!!! Thank goodness for the internet becuase we miss them so much .
Awww, look at little Marley! It's been so long since I've seen a picture of her and I can't believe how be she's getting. When did that happen? LOL! In that second picture, her eyes definitely remind me of your kiddos. Speaking of which, I can't get over Jonathan's eyes in that pic you posted below! He's gonna be a little heartbreaker for sure ;) Sounds like you have had so much going on (what else is new?) but it sounds so happy. I'm so happy for all of you!
~ Nat
Wow! Look how big Marley is! Where does the time go? And Jonathan, well, what a cutie patootie! I do hope things get to settle down for you soon. Sleepless nights are not fun at all. Back to school will happen before you know it.
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