Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Almost there

So its been a few weeks now since Alan was let go, although we have gone through so many emotions, I have to be honest and say its been rather nice having him around, I cant remember the last time I have had him around to not only help with the kids but also enjoy them, we are finally getting that opportunity to not only connect as a couple , but to enjoy our large family and really appreciate the reasons why we chose to have 7 children . In the midst of packing and organizing we have been able to sit down and watch movies of the children when they were younger, look through the baby books and see how many fun and happy times we have had being the parents to a great bunch of kids, It has truley been an eye opener for us both. We know that this is a new beggining for our family.....we had a short stay here in Georgia, but look at it as an "adventure" the kids got to see another part of our great country, we were able to take them to places that they might not have seen, Its been fun but its time to move on.
Alan has 4 interviews set up for when we arrive back into Massachusetts, he has had nothing but support from the people who he has previously worked with many of them wanting to re-hire him and we have NO doubt he will find somthing and be able to do a great job at it, however with a much different approach, Its been such a huge transformation and SUCH a nice one for him to see that although he has to work, he does not have sacrifice his family life for it. I have not seen him so relaxed about going back to the corporate world as he is now.

We have also along this journey know the people that are really truley there for you...again another lesson learned. And for the friends who have supported us and are heartfelt over him losing his job I'am thankful.

The house is 75% packed, my father arrives next week to help drive one of the rental trucks back to Ma for our 20+ hour drive. I swear if we get through this I'am going to write a book.

I'am so proud at how the kids are all taking this in stride, granted some days do have the challenges more so with Melissa as she is really starting to make some good friends, she made the girls basketball team so for her its going to be the hardest.

Jordan is very happy to see all his old friends but has also gained such confidence this year being on the High honors list for second term is HUGE for him, and he has worked and focused hard to get there and I feel for him and hope he can maintain that once he starts back home.

The younger children they are pretty go with the flow, Mallory is going to miss the neighbor girl across the street.... but is going back to her Best Buddy back home and thats ALL we have heard about for weeks now.
Makenna also is really anxious to see her friends and Jarrett I'am such an emotional wreck over as he has grown SO much since starting Pre-K , his teachers adore him and I'am going to be so sad to leave them for taking such good care of my little guy.

But I cant tell you how excited I'am to see our oldest daughter Meghan and our grandbaby!! I think it must have been a sign when I would have daily dreams about waking up and driving to all the places I used to have to go everyday....maybe it was Gods way of telling me that we should not have left.

We are spending Thanksgiving over our friends house whom also moved down here in Georgia from Massachusetts to work and we are really going to miss them. They are cooking dinner for us and its going to be a nice day.

As difficult as things seem at times I'am very Thankful and wish all my family and freinds Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. I hope everyone takes a moment to really think about the people they have in their lives and be truley grateful.

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